
Cheats : Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories Hints & Cheats

GTA Liberty City Stories Cheat Codes

Enter these during gameplay
UP, X, X, DOWN, LEFT, X, X, RIGHT Weapon set 3
L1, R1, TRIANGLE, L1, R1, CIRCLE,   L1, R1 Money Cheat ($250,000)
L1, R1, CIRCLE, L1, R1, X, L1, R1 Full Armor (Blue Bar)
L1, R1, X, L1, R1, SQUARE, L1, R1 Full Health (Red Bar)
L1, R1, SQUARE, L1, R1, TRIANGLE,   L1, R1 Raise Wanted Level
L1, L1, TRIANGLE, R1, R1, X, SQUARE, CIRCLE Never Wanted
CIRCLE, X, DOWN, CIRCLE, X, UP, L1, L1 Cars Drive On Water
L1, UP, RIGHT, R1, TRIANGLE, SQUARE, DOWN, X Raise Media Attention
L1, L1, LEFT, L1, L1, RIGHT, SQUARE, TRIANGLE Random Ped Outfit
L1, L1, CIRCLE, R1, R1, SQUARE, TRIANGLE, X Sunny Weather
UP, DOWN, CIRCLE, UP, DOWN, SQUARE, L1, R1 Clear Weather
UP, DOWN, X, UP, DOWN, TRIANGLE, L1, R1 Overcast Weather
UP, DOWN, SQUARE, UP, DOWN, CIRCLE, L1, R1 Rainy Weather
UP, DOWN, TRIANGLE, UP, DOWN, X, L1, R1 Foggy Weather
L1, L1, LEFT, L1, L1, RIGHT, CIRCLE, X Faster Clock
L1, L1, LEFT, L1, L1, RIGHT, X, SQUARE Destroy All Cars
L1, L1, R1, L1, L1, R1, LEFT, SQUARE Peds Riot
L1, L1, R1, L1, L1, R1, UP, TRIANGLE Peds Attack You
R1, R1, L1, R1, R1, L1, RIGHT, CIRCLE Peds Have Weapons
R1, R1, L1, R1, R1, L1, DOWN, X Faster Gameplay
L1, UP, LEFT, R1, TRIANGLE, CIRCLE, DOWN, X Perfect Traction
L1, DOWN, LEFT, R1, X, CIRCLE, UP, TRIANGLE Commit Suicide
SQUARE, SQUARE, R1, X, X, L1, CIRCLE, CIRCLE Aggressive Drivers
DOWN, DOWN, DOWN, CIRCLE, CIRCLE, X, L1, R1 Bobble Head World
L1, R1, L1, R1, UP, DOWN, L1, R1 Display Game Credits
DOWN, DOWN, DOWN, X, X, SQUARE, R1, L1 Upside Down Gameplay
CIRCLE, RIGHT, X, UP, RIGHT, X, L1, SQUARE Change Bike Tire Size
TRIANGLE, R1, L1, DOWN, DOWN, R1, R1, TRIANGLE All Vehicles Chrome Plated
Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, Up, Up, Right, L, R Upside Up
UP, UP, UP, TRIANGLE, TRIANGLE,   CIRCLE, L1, R1 Unlock multiplayer skins
UP, UP, UP, CIRCLE, CIRCLE, X, L1,   R1 4 Gangs+28 Characters (Multiplayer)
UP, UP, UP, X, X, SQUARE, R1, L1 7 Gangs+43 Characters (Multiplayrer)
UP, UP, UP, SQUARE, SQUARE, TRIANGLE, R1, L1 2 Gangs+14 Characters (Multiplayer)
X, X, X, DOWN, DOWN, RIGHT, L1, R1 Upside Down Gameplay2
X, Square, Down, X, Square, Up, R1, R1 Calls closest Ped to come hop on/in your vehicle. 
Unlockable How to Unlock 
Pistol at Safehouse 010 Packages
Generate a shotgun at all safe houses 020 Packages
Generate a armour at all safe houses 030 Packages
Generate a MP5 at all safe houses 040 Packages
Generate a python at all safe houses 050 Packages
Generate a M4 at all safe houses 060 Packages
Generate a sniper rifle at all safe houses 070 Packages
Generate a flamethrower at all safe houses 080 Packages
Generate a rocketlauncher at all safe houses 090 Packages
Gives you $50,000 100 Packages

Mission Unlockables
Infinite Sprint Beat Ambulance Missions Level 12
Bickle '76 Drop off 100 Passengers in the Taxi
Fireproof Toni Complete Level 12 In Firefighter Missions
Extra 25 Max Health Points Complete Level 10 in Pizza   Deliveriy Missions at Joe's Pizza in Staunton Island
Extra 25 Max Health Points Complete Level 10 in Noodle Delivery Missions at Noodle Punk in Portland
150 Max Armor Points Complete Level 12 In Vigilante Missions
Super Angel Bike (Bulletproof) generated at Portland safe-house Completing Avenging Angels missions in Portland
Getting Busted Won't Cost Money Completing Avenging Angels missions in Staunton Island
Super Land Stalker (Bulletproof) generated at Shoreside Vale safe-house Completing Tourism missions
Upgraded Sanchez Complete all ten courses in the "Bump & Grinds" at the dirt bike course in Portland
Underwear costume Complete 1 Unique Jump
Generate cash from "Hogs & Cogs" Sell 40 motorcycles in Belleville Park, Staunton Island
Hero Costume Beat Level 15 of the Avenging Angels missions in Shoreside Vale
Generate $4000 at Capital Autos Beat Level 6 of Car Salesman
Hellenbach GT Beat level four of the car salesman sidequest
Multiplayer Skins Complete the "Driving Mr Leone" mission.
Generate 4x the cash for cars in the Scrapyard Complete the Scrapyard motorcycle challenge
Bullet Proof PCJ 600 Take Waynes Bike in Biker Heat Mission.
Cox Mascot Outfit Beat SlashTV 2 times
M60 machine gun Beat all rampages.
'King' Jumpsuit Costume Finsh all story mode missions
V8 Ghost Complete Love Media
PCJ Complete Love Media
Infinite Ammo Beat the game 100%
Rhino Tank in Ft. Staunton Complete the game 100%
Micro SMG able to be purchased at Ammu-Nation Complete the Don in 60 seconds mission
Overalls Outfit Complete the The Portland Chainsaw Masquerade mission
Avenging Angel's Outfit Complete the Frighteners mission
Chauffer's Outfit Complete the Rollercoaster Ride mission
Vehicles Take Double Damage Complete the game 100%
Get 10000$ Complete all 26 unique jumps
Dragon Jump Suit complete the mission "Crazy '69'
Wise Guy clothes complete mission "shoot the   messenger"
Antonio Outfit Complete the mission "Making Toni".
Sweats Outfit Complete the mission "A Walk In The Park".
Goodfella Outfit Complete the mission "Overdose of Trouble".
Tuxedo Outfit Complete the mission "A Date with Death".
Leone's Outfit Drive to your house at the start of the game and walk into the clothes icon
Generate a boat Speeder at Portland Ferry Docks Beat the game 100%

GTA Liberty City Stories Easter Eggs
•         Moon Increases in Size
When it's night-time, take out your Sniper Rifle and look for the Moon in the sky. Zoom in and shoot the Moon. The Moon will increase in size the more you shoot it and then go back to it's original small state when you shot it enough times.
        Smiley face
On Statunton Island there is a parking lot on the top southwest corner. Look for a white staircase inbetween the parking garage and the parking lot entraces on the southside. Go up the staircase and jump on the short cement railing. Then turn east and jump up on the roof over looking the parking lot (Liberty City Tree Building) and run across the roof to the other side where you will see a courtyard. Jump down into the courtyard and run to the very end of the courtyard to the northwest. Then on a wall at the end of a courtyard has a white picture of a smiley face and says 'Hello Again'. This is the same spot where in Grand Theft Auto III, where a sign says "You arn't supposed to be here."
GTA Liberty City Stories Secrets
•         Bulletproof Stretch
You must be on Staunton Island and on the mission "Search and Rescue" which is given to you by Sal over the pay phone. Go pick up the limo from Sal's garage, then drive the limo to YOUR garage. Do NOT go to the yellow marker. Go straight from the Sal's garage to yours. After the limo is in your garage, fail the mission (die or blow up the limo while it is in your garage) and then the Bulletproof Stretch is yours. This works with other mission vehicles as well.
•         Bullet proof PCJ-600
In the mission "Biker Heat", when you chase down Wayne, kill him WHILE HE'S ON THE BIKE (he cannot fall off the bike or it will not be bullet-proof anymore), steal it, and then save it for a bullet-proof PCJ.
•         Rampage without getting wanted
Start a new game. Instead of taking Vincenzo to the Safe House, leave him in the car and don\'t get in. Now you can roam free and do whatever you want without getting any stars at all!
GTA Liberty City Stories Glitches
•         Keep more than one vehicle in your garage.
Normaly you can only keep one vehicle in your garage due to the fact that if one vehicle is being stored the door will not open for the one your in, so get out of your car (a bike works easier) and push it next to the garage doors, when you get close enough it will open and let you push your vehicle into the garage. This is very handy when you want both a car and a bike at your fingertips.
•         Near Infinite Sprint Trick
Just tap default X button to sprint instead of holding it down. You cycle the sprint so it's like you never start. This can be done at any time; whether during a mission or exploration.
•         Double Ammunition
It is possible to duplicate any amount of ammunition for a specific gun. This happens during any missions or odd jobs where you are driven by someone and have to shoot things with a crosshair and some type of automatic gun with unlimited ammo. Just have the gun in your inventory that you want to duplicate ammo selected before you start the mission or odd job. Certain missions where there is more than just the shooting part only require having the gun selected when you go into the shooting part of the mission. When the mission is completed or failed you should notice the selected gun has twice the initial ammo.
•         Infinite Time for Fires in Fire Truck Missions
To exploit this glitch it's just a matter of putting the fire out as the clock is going to hit 0. If done correctly, the timer will disappear allowing infinite time to cruise to the next fire.
•         Repair a burning car
If your car catches on fire, you can revert it to the state it was before it caught on fire by walking into one of the Information icons in front of a hospital of police station. After the information is displayed, your car is (almost) like new.


Cheats : The Sims 3 Hints & Cheats

Playing God isn't easy. Get the scoop on how to manage your virtual family in The Sims 3!

Control+Shift+C Codes

While in game, press Control+Shift+C on your keyboard to bring up the code console.

Cheat Effect
motherlode While on the lot, entering this will give you $50,000.
kaching While on the lot, entering this will give you $1,000.
moveobjects on/off With this On, it will allow you to move anything, including Sims, in your Buy/Build mode.
help Lists all available commands at the moment.
jokePlease Gives you a joke in the code console prompt.
quit Like it says, quits the game.
fps on/off Shows your Frame per Second in the upper right area while on.
testingcheatsenabled true Turns on Testing Cheats, just shift+click a Sim, or anything else, like your Mailbox.
enableLlamas [on/off] Gives a message that says, "Llamas enabled."
resetSim <fi rstname> <lastname> Resets the named Sim with neutral motives, no moodlets, and teleports Sim back home.
constrainFloorElevation [true/false] Allows all terrain adjustments regardless of objects, Sims, and other structures on them. Walls, fl oors, and objects will move with the terrain.
disableSnappingToSlotsOnAlt [on/off] When on, objects will not snap to slots while holding alt.
hideHeadlineEffects [on/off] Hides all meters and effects in the game, such as the plumbbob and skill meter.
fadeObjects [on/off] Toggles whether objects fade when the camera gets close to them.
slowMotionViz <level> Puts the game in slow motion. Optional parameter, value 0 = normal speed and 8 = slowest.
unlockOutfits on/off Unlocks outfits in CAS (Create a Sim) mode. This must be enabled before going into CAS.
fullscreen on/off Adjusts your game screen to full or windowed mode.
DisplayLotPackageFileName [on/off] Switches lot tooltips on or off
ResetLifetimeHappiness Resets the lifetime happiness of all the sims in an active household.
DisableSnappingToSlotsOnAlt On/Off When holding on alt, disable snapping to slots (can be rotated in any direction also)
Familyfunds (lastname) $$$$ gives family amount of money requested do not add ()
Buydebug Allows you to buy otherwise un-buyable objects
RestrictBuildBuyInBuildings [on|off] (do not enter [on|off]. Choose on or off to enter at the end of code text) Allows changes to lot otherwise restricted by the Homeowner's Association


Reviews : DiRT 3

Dirt 3 is a superb off-road racer that adds some great new features and improves upon its predecessor at just about every opportunity.

When DiRT 2 was released in 2009 it boasted a lengthy and varied career mode, numerous multiplayer options, and uniformly excellent presentation. Its sequel loses none of those things and also makes some great additions to the formula. Split-screen multiplayer is now an option, there are more vehicle classes to choose from, gymkhana events and snowy conditions pose fresh challenges, and new multiplayer modes put interesting automotive spins on some first-person shooter favorites. Dirt 3 brings a lot of superb content to the table, and because it offers a plethora of customizable difficulty settings and assists, newcomers and veterans alike can enjoy its excellent off-road action.

Regardless of which difficulty level you play at and whether or not you take advantage of stability and braking assists, Dirt 3 handles like a dream. There are dozens of great-looking modern and vintage vehicles in the garage, and you race them on all manner of surfaces and in changing weather conditions, but getting behind the wheel of one that you haven't driven before is never a problem. The controls are responsive, and while it's certainly possible to mess up so spectacularly that your ride loses panels and becomes deformed to the point that it's unrecognizable, there are gameplay mechanics in place that ensure you don't feel the need to hold anything back. Even as you hurtle along narrow dirt trails and around icy hairpins, Dirt 3's cars, trucks, and buggies encourage you to push them harder by using excellent audio and rumble feedback to let you know that you're not quite on the edge yet.
Demanding new gymkhana events in which you're challenged to perform tricks in specially designed arenas reinforce how excellent Dirt 3's controls are. In these exciting sessions you score points for crashing through carefully positioned destructible blocks, and for performing donuts, spins, slides, and jumps. String different tricks together to get the crowd pumped, and you build up a score multiplier; display anything other than masterful control by colliding with something, and your multiplier goes down. It's not entirely dissimilar to performing combos in a skateboarding game, except that the tricks are significantly less complex. Stringing successful tricks together against the clock is still plenty challenging, though, and as a result, gymkhanas are great practice for other events. Once you can make a car dance around a cone and slide at speed through a gate or underneath a truck, getting it around a corner in a race doesn't seem like such a big deal.

Changing weather conditions prevent otherwise very similar races from feeling repetitive.
Every event in Dirt 3, whether it be a point-to-point rally through a Kenyan desert, a head-to-head race in the Aspen snow, or a circuit-based rallycross event that weaves in and out of the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum, demands precise driving. You can get away with a few collisions here and there, particularly if you take advantage of the five flashbacks at your disposal to correct your mistakes, and it's entirely possible that you might find finishing in first place too easy if you're an experienced player. Turn off some of the assists, crank up the difficulty, and switch from cosmetic damage to realistic damage, though, and you'll find that Dirt 3 is exactly as challenging as you want it to be. At the other end of the scale, if you're new to off-road racing and looking for a way into the genre, Dirt 3 has you covered. In addition to the aforementioned assists and other options, it's the first game in the series to offer a dynamic racing line like those seen in both the Forza Motorsport and Gran Turismo series.

That racing line can be invaluable as you learn your way around Dirt 3's 100-plus circuits and stages; position yourself poorly as you take a turn or jump over a crest, and you might make a subsequent corner unnecessarily difficult. Also invaluable in the events where she's available is real-life co-driver Jen Horsey, who always delivers the information you need in a clear, concise, and timely fashion. (A male alternative is also available, as is an option to have either co-driver use more complex and detailed language.) If you listen to her carefully, rally stages that wind through the forests of Finland or around the lakes of Michigan don't seem nearly as daunting. You still won't have much time to admire the impressive scenery or to contemplate the foolhardy fans that occasionally run across the track ahead of you, but you're far less likely to wrap your car around a tree or crash through a barrier and into the crowd.
Many of the events in Dirt 3's lengthy Dirt Tour career mode span multiple back-to-back races at the same location, but the game does an excellent job of keeping the action from feeling stale. After finishing the first of three rallycross events in dry conditions, for example, you might race the next during a grip-changing downpour and then the final in wet conditions after the rain clouds have passed and your visibility is improved. And in point-to-point rallies, racing the same stages in different directions can make for a very different experience, especially if you're under a desert sun one stage and having to use your headlights to cut through the black of night the next. Also lending variety to your career is that you invariably have several different events to choose from. The dozens of events that compose the Dirt Tour are organized into four seasons that must be completed in order, but your progress through each season is anything but linear, and you always have the option to return to events that you want to replay in an attempt to improve upon your position or best score/time.

Your progress as a driver is measured in reputation points, which are earned after every event. You score points for podium finishes, for not using your flashbacks, and for completing any team-specific goals. Teams aren't a big deal in Dirt 3; where in some games you're expected to commit to them for entire seasons, here you can drive for a different one every time you get behind the wheel, if you wish. Early in your career only a couple of teams have any interest in you, but as you earn reputation points and level up, more teams (and by extension, more cars) become available to you. Your choice of team before any event is likely to be motivated by its car first and foremost, but the number of reputation points that the team is offering for completing its bonus objectives is also a consideration. Sadly, you don't get to see what the actual objective is when choosing, so your decisions aren't nearly as well informed as they could be. Regardless, none of the challenges are so difficult that you're filled with regret for choosing a particular team; most involve simply reaching a certain speed, finishing with no damage, or making it through an entire event without ever spinning or rolling your vehicle.

On top of the events that form the four seasons, Dirt Tour mode boasts a number of unlockable extras that add to its longevity considerably. For starters, there are world tours specific to each discipline; choose to race and subsequently do well in point-to-point rallies, and you unlock a rally world tour with dozens of those events. Furthermore, you can unlock a playground of sorts in the form of London's Battersea power station and its surrounding area. Here, not only are you free to practice gymkhana techniques, but you can also complete a number of varied challenges to earn extra reputation. These challenges include everything from completing jumps and performing tricks in specific spots, to crashing through fences that divide the different unlockable areas and locating hidden Dirt 3 logos. Visiting Battersea makes for a welcome change of pace, and it's also a great way to prepare for some of Dirt 3's more unusual multiplayer offerings.

In addition to online versions of all of the conventional races, rallies, and gymkhana events, Dirt 3 features some unique vehicular versions of modes that you might already be familiar with. Transporter, for example, is a capture-the-flag game, while Outbreak is an Infection-style game of tag in which your car turns bright green when you're hit by an infected player. Another highlight of Dirt 3's sizable multiplayer suite is Invasion, a game in which you score points for crashing through cutouts of alien robots but lose points for causing collateral damage when you crash through cutouts of buildings. This mode, perhaps more than any other, puts the skills that you pick up in gymkhana events to great use, because you have to be both fast and precise to beat other players to your targets. Some of these multiplayer modes can get a little too chaotic at times (when everyone descends on the flag at the same time in a relatively confined space, for example), but it's still a lot of fun and hugely satisfying to win or even score a single point in a closely contested session.
 Split-screen support for two players is a welcome addition.

Split-screen multiplayer for two is also supported, but where online play is indistinguishable from playing solo where performance is concerned, here the visuals take a bit of a hit. The only other noteworthy difference is that you don't get the option to drive using the cockpit camera. With the exception of gymkhana events and joyrides around Battersea, split-screen races with a friend in any of the available disciplines (rally, rallycross trailblazer, head 2 head, landrush) can support up to six AI drivers competing alongside you. Advanced options, which are also available when you host unranked Jam Session games online, include allowing custom vehicle setups, forcing manual gears, and choosing between visual and full damage. Basically, whether multiplayer or solo, you can play Dirt 3 however you like; it can feel like a forgiving arcade game, a challenging simulation, or just about anything in between.

Regardless of how you play Dirt 3, there's no denying that, like its predecessor, it looks and sounds fantastic. Despite the fact that you rarely get to stop and admire the environments, the level of detail in them is great, and the cars--while not quite up to the standards set by the best that Forza Motorsport 3 and Gran Turismo 5 have to offer--are even better. Seeing these brightly colored vehicles get caked in mud and snow and take believable damage from impacts is a treat, and the incredible noises that their engines make never leave you in any doubt about the amount of power you have at your disposal. Audio is impressive across the board: you get plenty of feedback from whichever road surface you're driving on to let you know how well your tires are gripping, and the licensed soundtrack with tunes from the likes of Chromeo, Drive A, Hudson Mohawke, RJD2, and We Are Scientists is appropriately eclectic and energetic.
 Grabbing the flag in an online game of Transporter is sure to get your heart racing.

Dirt 3 improves and builds upon its superb predecessor at just about every opportunity. The new multiplayer modes and gymkhana events are great additions, and if you're interested primarily in traditional racing disciplines, it has more than twice as many routes to race in more varied weather conditions and in an even greater selection of vehicles. The option to upload replays to YouTube isn't as exciting as it could be, given that you're limited to 30 seconds and there's no other way to save them, but this is a small blemish in an otherwise superb game. Whether you're a veteran of the Dirt series and the long-running Colin McRae Rally series that preceded it, or someone looking for a way into off-road racing, Dirt 3 is the game you should be playing.


News : PlayStation 4 Release Date

Now that the Sony PS4 development has been confirmed, we can finally start really speculating possible release dates for the next generation console. We’ve been doing this for years without any confirmation from Sony saying they were actually under development, simply using the history of PlayStation release patterns. Now that Masaru Kato, Sony’s Executive Vice-President and CFO, finally confirmed that the development of the PS4 is underway, but adding, “When we will introduce the product I cannot discuss,” what actually seems realistic? As before, we still believe that Sony PS4 will have a 2013-2014 release date. Why? The PlayStation 2 was released 5 years after the original PlayStation, even though it had a 10 year shelf life. Then, another five years later, the PS3 was released, and this console also supposedly has a 10 year shelf life. It has currently been five years since the 2006 release of the PS3. Many people speculate that 2016 is the furthest date possible for the next generation console, since it would fulfill the 10 year shelf life expectation, but that seems very far away. Gamers won’t mind having a new addiction sooner rather than later. Other console manufacturers, like Microsoft Xbox and Nintendo Wii 2, are already underway, with the Wii 2 being unveiled at E3 in June 2011. It is doubtful that PS4 will be far behind the Xbox 720, so a 2013-2014 expected launch sounds entirely reasonable. When do you think the PS4 will be released?


Reviews : Transformers: Dark of the Moon First Hands

There are few franchises as iconic and popular as the Transformers, but with great support comes great expectation. Michael Bay's movies have enjoyed success at the box office, but a similar level has yet to be achieved in video games. We were lucky enough to attend an event in London where Activision was hoping to rectify this situation by offering us a hands-on with its latest reincarnation of the series, Transformers: Dark of the Moon. We watched some exclusive gameplay and even had the opportunity to play as Bumblebee and Ironhide in two of the game's playable chapters.

The presentation started with Sean Miller, the game's director, showing off the nearly finished product. Miller began by emphasizing that DOTM's campaign will act as a prologue to the upcoming movie, so fans who want the gaps filled in between the films should benefit from playing the game before seeing the film. Miller also elaborated on the importance of centering the storyline on individual characters in the series, allowing gamers to emotionally bond with their favorite Autobots and Decepticons. Finally, he also mentioned the importance of the new stealth force combat mechanic, a new system that allows much smoother integration between robot and vehicle gameplay.
Without revealing any spoilers, the story is set three years after the events in the second film, where humans believe that the Decepticons have disappeared. However, after a quick turn of events, we found ourselves on the first level as Bumblebee, scouting a rogue Decepticon signal in a city. We were pleasantly surprised with the look of DOTM's combat, in particular the new stealth force mechanic; an ability that transforms your robot into vehicle form with weapons deployed and ready for use. The demo showed what seemed like smooth and flowing combat as Bumblebee easily locked onto enemies and blew them to smithereens. The first segment of footage concluded with Optimus Prime and Sideswipe jumping into the action and helping Bumblebee eliminate the Decepticon threat.
The next level saw Ironhide as the main protagonist--the weapons expert on the Autobot team. We were expecting Ironhide to feel different from Bumblebee but were quite disappointed that gameplay seemed almost identical. The urban Detroit environment set the scene for mass destruction, and Miller emphasized the importance of the "robots in disguise" theme, where players would not know whether the cars on the streets were Decepticons or not. This was quickly overshadowed by the bright red auto lock-on system that clearly made all your enemies visible, however.

The demo moved swiftly on to another segment of the game with Soundwave taking center stage. As a fan favorite, Soundwave will be heavily involved in the game's story. Soundwave's level was set in a jungle and his unique ability to use sound as a weapon was emphasized, although the regular bullets and the energy beams he was firing seemed to do the exact same amount of damage. A neat tag-team feature was revealed with Soundwave's new partner Laserbeak getting in on the action. This little robot vulture was used to stun enemies and open a gateway for Soundwave.
Starscream's level showed off the new flying mechanics in a heated battle in the sky. A huge C130 bomber jet Transformer called Stratosphere was also introduced, and it was up to Starscream to chase him down. The air combat added another exciting dimension to the gameplay, with fast-paced action and plenty of explosions. It appeared as if Miller's assistant had a lot of trouble landing on the giant bomber plane, taking several attempts, but finally he landed and proceeded to rip off its control panel and take the plane down.
Arguably the coolest addition to the Transformers cast was demoed next. Mirage, a ninja Autobot, gave us a little introduction to the stealth gameplay elements of DOTM. Using his cloak ability, Mirage was able to sneak past enemies in another jungle map and even perform swift melee executions if he managed to get behind the enemy. After finding and eliminating two Decepticons, Mirage entered a Decepticon crypt and the presentation ended.
We were only given two levels to play, the first of which allowed us to try out Bumblebee, who handled well. Stealth force, which is activated by pressing the left stick, transformed our robot into its vehicle form with all weapons deployed to cause massive destruction. In this form, we could strafe and auto-lock onto enemies with relative ease. By holding the left trigger, we were able to put our weapons away and transform into a normal vehicle, although the constant need to hold down the left trigger to stay in this mode was frustrating. The combat heavily depended on stealth force, as there really was no need to transform back into a robot. The other playable section featured Ironhide causing havoc in Detroit. It was another straightforward shooting level and aside from the environmental change, there was little difference between the two Transformers.
Activision's product specialist Noah Kircher-Allen promises that DOTM will offer a, "consistent fan service to both hardcore and contemporary Transformer fans throughout the game." With new multiplayer details being revealed in the upcoming weeks, stay tuned for more news and previews about Transformers: Dark of the Moon on PC Games Strategy.


Reviews : L.A. Noire

Publisher: RockStar Games
Developer: Team Bondi
Genre: Action-Adventure
Release Date: N Amer - 04/11/05
Platforms: PlayStation 3 Xbox 360
ESRB Rated: Mature

Look beyond the glitz and glamor of Hollywood and you’ll find a harsher, darker reality. A reality filled crime and corruption.
L.A. Noire takes place in Los Angeles post-World War II. Players assume the role of Cole Phelps, a decorated war hero who continues serving his country by signing up with the L.A.P.D. You start off as a street cop but quickly climb the ranks of the department. As you solve cases, you advance to homicide, vise, and eventually arson investigator. Each new title comes with a new partner, who helps with investigations, fights, and arrests.

Immediately, you’ll notice the massiveness of the game. Rockstar has successfully recreated a dark and gritty 1947 Los Angeles, but it still has that tinseltown charm. The sheer size (it takes about 30 minutes to drive from one side of town to the other) and attention to detail of the environment is remarkable. The cars, buildings, and music are all true to the era, making it easy to become immersed in this crime-stricken city.

The game has 21 “Story” missions. Each follows the same basic format: a crime is committed, and you must investigate the scene by finding clues, questioning witnesses, and interrogating suspects.

L.A. Noire uses a new technology called MotionScan. This groundbreaking technology features 32 HD cameras surrounding the actors, allowing their actions and facial expressions to be transferred directly into the game. While this hi-res 3D recreation of the face is nice to look at, it serves an even bigger purpose in the game.

Much of L.A. Noire revolves around an interrogation system that relies on recognizing facial expressions and body language. The subtlest eye shift could determine whether a suspect is telling the truth or feeding you lies. While it can be frustrating trying to know the difference, the realistic interrogation is a unique feature that wouldn’t be possible without MotionScan.

Although the interrogation system is a fun part of the gameplay, there is ultimately no penalty for selecting the wrong choice. While making an incorrect decision may lead to a different (often longer) path, the final outcome remains the same. The only benefit to making the correct choice is an increase in experience, which allows you unlock new outfits (some are pretty snazzy) or gain intuition points, which can be used during an interrogation or crime scene. But it’s highly unlikely that you’ll ever need to spend them.

Herein lies the problem with L.A. Noire. To put it simply, it’s too easy. There is no penalty for wrong choices or missing clues (which is pretty hard to do considering the control vibrates and you hear chimes whenever you near one), and players have no real motivation to interrogate a suspect correctly—unless you consider being chewed out by the chief motivation enough.

Aside from the repetitive investigation and interrogation that takes place, each case usually requires some form of gameplay action. This action is usually in the form of a car chase, foot chase, hand-to-hand fight, or shoot-out. Sometimes a couple of these are mixed together, but those are generally the action sequences you can expect to find at least once during a case. Again, there is no real penalty for failing these (which is also pretty hard to pull off since the AI seems pre-determined on when to speed up to get away and slow down for you to catch it). The worst case scenario is you completely lose the suspect, fail that part of the mission, and restart from that exact point.

The entire game is basically spoon fed to you. The clues are clearly marked at the crime scene and the ones that aren’t as easy to find are made easy with the controller vibrations. The action sequences require no skill. Basically, the chase scenes have you follow the suspect. All the jumping, stair climbing, and pole sliding is done for you. You simply have to move toward the object and it performs the action automatically.

While L.A. Noire is technically a sandbox game, those looking for the complete freedom that exists in previous Rockstar games (Grand Theft Auto and Red Dead Redemption) will be disappointed. You are a responsible cop, so you won’t go on errant rampages killing hundreds of innocent civilians. You are given some leeway from the main story by performing side missions (responding to calls heard over the police radio), taking the time to collect the 90-something cars in the game and even trying to find all the landmarks within the city. While far from the typical Rockstar game freedom, these goals should suffice. After all, the main driving force in the game is the story, and it’s a very good one.

Don’t let the easy gameplay scare you away. L.A. Noire is very story-driven, relying heavily on the acting and the script rather than the action gameplay typical of Rockstar titles. Here is where the game excels. With Mad Men’s Aaron Staton playing the role of Cole Phelps and a cast comprised of over 300 actors, L.A. Noire’s performance is top-notch. In fact, the story, acting, and graphics are so compelling that it sometimes feels more like you’re watching a movie than playing a game.

The story is intriguing, albeit a little slow at first. L.A. Noire takes an old school approach toward its storytelling. It’s a much slower approach, similar to older movies, with a heavy emphasis on detail. It is that attention to detail that sets L.A. Noire apart from other games and makes it enjoyable to play.


Strategy Guides : Call of Duty Black Ops Walkthrough Video Guide (Xbox 360, PS3, PC, Wii)

Hear the call of duty once again with this seventh entry in this blockbuster first-person shooter franchise. Call of Duty: Black Ops takes you deep behind enemy lines into the world of deniable operations as a member of an elite special forces unit engaging in covert warfare, classified operations, and explosive conflicts across the globe. With access to a variety of exclusive weaponry and equipment, your actions will tip the balance during the most dangerous time period mankind has ever known.

Mission 1 : Operation 40
Operation 40: Undertake a daring assassination attempt during the Bay of Pigs invasion.

For Mason things start to heat up, when police enter you must wait until your team makes their first move, follow the on-screen instructions to take out the first enemy. As the police that made their way into the bar are now dead, you must head outside through the door. After you have taken down the police head down the street, you will now be given on screen instructions to guide you (using the grenade launcher on your rifle).

Your next mission is pretty easy, you must stay undercover and undetected as much as possible in the mission. Remember: FOLLOW YOUR TEAM!
Finally you will then need to jump into the car, as this mission comes to a close it will finally end with Mason once again in the interrogation room.

As you start infiltrating the compound you will gain control back, follow the on screen instructions to the zip line. Zip line down to the compound below, perform a melee attack on the soldier using the radio and continue on with the mission. At the top of the stairs you will see a building to your left. Follow Woods and Bowman as they approach the door gun down the soldiers and take cover quickly to the right.Mission 1: Operation 40 Part 2
Tip: When reloading make sure you do it in cover, you could save yourself a lot of deaths.

As you go through the dining room try and stick close to Woods, remember to check out all the time for extra soldiers. (The bedroom and the hallway.) Now you have cleared the room, Woods will kick down the door, This will now give you a slow motion sequence which will allow you to shoot Castro’s face.
Leave through the door to the left, (the door that gets blown open). Grab as much cover as possible since there will be swarms of soldiers coming through the doors ahead. Be careful as the soldiers at the end of the hallway are hard to see.
Before you head down the stairs, check for a bedroom on the right, just near where Bowman came to rejoin you. Here you should be able to find it attached to an alcove inside the bedroom, check the top of the dresser for the tape recorder.
Since you are taking on heavy fire with the enemy (and more are arriving in trucks) wait for the trucks to come to a stop and take them out with a RPG to take out the 50 calibre gun. Following on with Woods and Bowman through the sugarcane fields, keeping following on until you come across a broken wall, repel down and you will come across a hanger which you will need to enter.
Your mission now from the door of the plane, is to take out the enemies who are trying to prevent you from taking off. You will see some ref barrels, and also look for anything mechanical. Shooting these will trigger an explosion and will take out the nearby enemies and their trucks.
As you approach the runway Mason will jump out. All he needs to do is aim at the road blocks to clear the runway then the plane will be able to take off.

Mission 2 : Vorkuta
Escape from Vorkuta; a brutal Soviet Labor Camp in northern Russia.
Tip: When aiming down your sights, line up the torso of your enemy to ensure a clean shot.

Mission 2: Vorkuta Part 2
Tip: Be on the look out for enemy weapons that may have very powerful attachments, these can turn a battle in your favor quickly.
In the start of this mission you either have the choice to save the prisoners or leave them, you must look out for people with welding pipes, you need to get them with your knife or you will face the consequences! There are a lot of dead-ends in this level, you really don’t need to take any notice of them. However, do watch out at all times for guards, if you come into contact with them kill them as they are a threat towards you.

After the guard id dealt with there should be a pistol around on the floor, as the door opens all hell breaks loose. You will now have a follower located on your screen (He will have follower written in yellow above his head.) This character is Reznov. You must follow him behind the coal cart. Use your pistol to shoot at the enemies trying to flank at your position. Open the gate and proceed to the next part of the complex.

It takes some time for Sergei to break down the door so in the mean time follow Reznov up stairs, as you carry on up the stairs to the top of the tower. You will come across 2 prisoners that have made a make shift sling. Mason’s job here is to fire flaming Movoltos at the surrounding buildings. You have to take out three targets to complete your mission.

As you make your way down the stairs Sergei has finally opened the door with his bare hands. You must now pick up a shotgun and head back downstairs. Some guards will come out of the alleyways, be careful as these guards are armed with AK-47′s, as you kill them you should grab an AK-47 to replace your pistol.

When you make your way around the first corer you will see an attack helicopter, this is known as the “winged beast” in Reznov’s code. Your task… To take town the chopper. You must now keep your main focus on the guards on the ground, shoot at the truck until it explodes. Remember that there is a chopping flying overhead so take cover.

Reznov is inside, run to the door with the objective marker, you must now follow him upstairs and back outside.

As you move into the armoury keep your eyes open for an AK-47 with a grenade launcher, switch to this and follow on with the prisoners.
There are enemies here so why not try out your newly found AK-47 with grenade launcher to take them out!
But that is not the last of them, make sure you stay behind and take cover. (maybe test out your launcher again to take the enemies out once again) use the stairs for cover, the stairs will keep you out of firing range.

Now the door has closed on you make sure you sprint across the room to the glass area (take cover). Press your interact button to complete this mission.

You must now follow Reznov once again up the stairs keeping a close eye open for more enemies as you approach the top of the stair.
Now you have killed all the soldiers as usual more will appear, once you have killed them Reznov will run off with his Blowtorch, you must now look out for him as he uses the blowtorch to enter the armoury, stay behind Reznov and crouch firing at the guards. After a minute or so Reznov will finally break through to the armoury. Hide inside the armoury and grab hold of the death machine placed on the bench.

Downstairs there are a few guards standing next to their trucks, use a mini-gun to take out the trucks and the soldiers.

Protip: Always be aware of the enemies, blow up the red barrels to blow up nearby enemies and stop reinforcements coming in that direction.

Yes the mini-gun has a large impact, but remember you are not invincible. As you turn the corner you will see a transport truck, you must blow it up by firing into the trucks engine.

Your last objective will be swarmed by guards, you must kill them by denoting the truck and making sure you take down any guards that have escaped.

When you have woken up, make your way to a motorcycle and peruse your escape. Follow your on-screen instructions to learn how to drive your motorcycle. To complete this mission you must successfully jump to finish this level.

Mission 3 : U.S.D.D
Back on US soil, meet with senior officials to discuss the threat posed by General Dragovich.
Tip: Sprinting between cover is a must to ensure your safety.

Mission 4 : Executive Order
Infiltrate the Baikonur Cosmodrome and eliminate Dragovich and the Ascension scientists.
Tip: When attacking from a distance you can use the sound of rifle fire and muzzle flash as an indicator of the enemies direction.

Mission 4: Executive Order Part 2
Tip: Certain Barrels can explode, others are filled with napalm and need to be set off using your tac knife.
When moving up stairs utilise the natural cover they provide, to make entry into rooms much safer, you can also lure enemies in by popping your head up, and then running back down.

In this mission you will be placed with the same team you had in Cuba. First we need to follow Woods, As there are choppers overhead you need to stay undercover. Now that you are disguised as a soviet soldier it makes things a lot easier. You much stay near your team as you enter the base.

After the doors have opened, your cover is broken, and you must kill the few enemies with your pistol. They are located on the bottom floor. Move into the crouching position slowing up the staircase, as usual the second floor is bombarded with enemies. Finish them off by throwing a grenade. When the second floor is clear move up to the third (it’s not as bad as the second floor) climb the ladder to the roof, there will be an enemy straight ahead, run up and melee him and shoot the other.

Woods will now hand you a special crossbow that contains electric bolts. You can use this to blow the enemy vehicles up. You must now use the objective marker to find out where you need to shoot the zip line. You are now back in your special ops uniform, you must now follow Woods, but be careful to stay up top otherwise it will result in an immediate mission fail.

Remember to stay low and look out for enemies. When you reach the next section watch out for enemies behind the crates, as you peer around the corner take out the enemies with your MP5K, watch out for more enemies coming out on your left hand side.

Move in near the C4 outline and hold own your interact button. Back up into the stairs and fire a hole into the wall.

Head back outside and there will be a rocket launcher located next to Woods. Remember the first time will be hard but you need to aim the rocket straight up into the air. Remember you only get one shot at this, however even if fail the most recent check point is only a tiny bit before you blew a hole in the wall.

Remember, as you go further into the tunnels to cover Woods from gunfire, look out for grenade indicators.

In the next tunnel you much approach it carefully as it is filled with Soviets. This is a very tricky level as the enemies are very accurate with their aims. The best way to get through this mission is to push forward and take cover! Look out for rooms down the hallway, as there may be soldiers that will appear.

Mission 5 : S.O.G
Head to Vietnam and work with old allies to investigate Soviet presence in the region.
Tip: Be careful of soldiers that can suddenly appear, from hidden positions like rat holes or empty barns.

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